Volunteers Needed

Volunteer Opportunity – Homeless Shelter Support

If you choose to volunteer, please follow the directions below.

VOLUNTEER ASSIGNMENT: Support to non-profit extended Homeless Shelter (Crownsville/Annapolis Area)
TYPE ASSIGNMENT: Type 2 Volunteer (Support to Non-Profit Organization with County assistance)
REQUESTOR: Arundel House of Hope (AHOH) (nonprofit organization)
REQUEST: One volunteer Shelter Aide per shift to assist Shelter Manager with water, coffee, snacks, phone, admin support, etc
LOCATION: Bay Area Community Church, 884 Chesterfield, Annapolis (Crownsville), MD
DURATION: Daily, Starting MON 3-30-20 through MON 4-13-20 

  • Three shifts:  Day 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM  Swing: 3:00 PM – 11:00 PM   Night: 11:00 PM – 7:00 AM of one Shelter Aide each
  • Supervisor: On duty Shelter Manager
  • First shift on MON 3-30-20 please arrive at 9:30 AM, Report to Arundel House of Hope Shelter Mgr Michael Johnson

RESTRICTIONS: Adult volunteers, male or female, age 18-64, no formal affiliation required, no prior training required, no personal protective equipment (PPE) required
SITE DESCRIPTION: Stable temporary shelter for 25 pre-registered, pre-screened homeless adults as an extension of the Winter Relief church-based program
`Volunteer organization coordinators may call Jim Krempel at 410-299-4504 (cell) for more information 

  • Name of Volunteer
  • Shift(s): DATE TIME
  • Contact Cell Phone    Contact email

Volunteer Organization or Church membership, if any

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County Seeks Volunteers for Emergency Preparedness Assessment


The Anne Arundel County Department of Health is seeking volunteers to assist its Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response in conducting a Community Assessment for Emergency Preparedness and Response (CASPER) on September 17 and 18, 2019.  The goal of this assessment is to determine the current status of preparedness in the county and to identify gaps in emergency preparedness and response knowledge and readiness.

Over these two days, teams will go out into the community and interview households using a questionnaire to collect data. The information collected will help inform our program and better address the needs of the community.

Dates: September 17 and 18, 2019. Volunteers may work one or both days.

Time: Just-in-time training will take place at 12:30 p.m. on September 17 at the County Department of Health, located at 3 Harry S. Truman Parkway in Annapolis. Volunteers unable to attend the training must participate in a conference call prior to participation in the CASPER. After receiving just-in-time training, MD Responds and CERT volunteers will be paired with Department of Health staff and assigned pre-determined neighborhoods to conduct the survey from approximately 3:00 p.m.-7:15 p.m.  Snacks will be provided.

Location: Volunteers will meet at the Lower Level Conference Room at the Department of Health before heading out with their assigned groups in a county vehicle. Groups will reassemble and return to this location at 7:15 p.m.

The CASPER will take place rain or shine. Volunteers should expect to be on their feet for a few hours, and be comfortable interacting with members of the public. Regular breaks will be offered.

Those interested in participating should contact Jessica Bangel (hdbang99@aacounty.org).

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CERTCON 2018 Needs “Victims”

Volunteers are needed to role-play as victims for the 2018 CERTCON. We could use your help!

2018 CERTCON Mass Casualty Incident Field Exercise

2018 CERTCON, the Mid-Atlantic conference for Community Emergency Response Teams, is conducting mass casualty emergency preparedness exercises. These exercises enable our teams to practice responding to large scale emergencies.

We are asking for volunteers to play the role of residents who are victims of a natural disaster. Mock victims will be able to choose their level of injury. We need all types of roles from highly dramatic with little trauma to highly traumatic with little drama. Some volunteers may choose to play entirely non-moulaged victims such as family members, worried well, and psychologically injured patients. All roles are vital in making the scenario as realistic as possible for the responders.

A variety of Moulage (simulated casualty makeup) will be applied by Moulage Technicians. Victims will be briefed on the scenario, safety information, and basic acting skills and then placed in the simulated cityscape or in the high rise building. First responders will assess, triage (level of injury/severity will be rated) and simulate lifesaving treatment. Victims will be moved to a casualty collection point for procedural treatment and then transport to hospitals will be simulated.

Because of the graphic nature of this event, we limit victims to age 14 and above and minors will be required to have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian. Montgomery County Public School SSL hours will be honored, and forms will be available.  This is a secured location and a state-issued ID is required. A change of clothes is recommended.

Date: Sunday, June 24, 2018
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Check-In
9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

  • Role Player assignments
  • Moulage application (makeup applied to simulate injuries)
  • Role player briefing will be conducted to explain the scenario situation in greater detail, safety procedures, and what actions will be expected of the mock victims
  • Actor/role players will interface with emergency responders – they will be assessed, triaged, and simulated treatment will occur
  • Hospital transport will be simulated – emergency vehicle transport to actual hospitals will not occur
  • A hot wash/debriefing (evaluation of the exercise) will be conducted
  • Actor/role players will complete a Participant Feedback Form based on the experience
  • Volunteer check-out

Further details will be emailed to those who have registered.



CERTCON 2018 Needs “Victims” Read More »

SWAT Exercise: Need for Volunteers

The 2017 NCR SWAT FSE, which is scheduled for April 26, 2017, is one (1) of two (2) exercises in the 2016-2017 NCR SWAT Exercise Series focused on exercising the NCR Coordinated Tactical Response Plan. Six (6) venues will host and support exercise play. Multiple SWAT teams will stage at and respond to a simulated complex coordinated attack at each of the six (6) different host venues. 

All volunteers must be 18 years of age in order to participate in the exercise. Volunteers will be expected to act out the part of a victim to a terrorist attack at a location to be determined by your preference in this registration and the need for volunteers at each location. Refreshments will be provided to volunteers at all locations. Emergency responders and other entities will test their ability to respond to and manage the scenario at each location. All volunteers will be given a safety briefing prior to the start of the exercise and instructed to follow all first responder commands.  Prior to the exercise, you will receive an email with a location assignment and other logistical information pertinent to that location. You must bring a government issued ID to your assigned location in order to participate in the exercise. 

For more information regarding the exercise and to register as a role player, please visit the following link: https://ncrswatvolunteerreg.eventbrite.com

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CERT Acting Opportunity

IIF Data Solutions Inc. is currently seeking 100 participants who will be acting as “victims” who will be “rescued “ as part of the National Guards Training for Emergency Preparedness. They do these Training Exercises all across the US and have had many CERT members in the past really enjoy the experience.

The Event will take place on February 22 , 23 ,24 and 25th  2016 at the DC Fire And EMS Training Academy and the RFK Stadium.

Role Players will be paid $14.77/ hr. Orientation is from 1 pm to 4 pm on February 22. Role players will be provided a lunch on the full days that they work.

All Role Players will be paid for all hours including Orientation on the last day that they work. Participants must be 18 years of age and older unless accompanying an adult then they can be 16 years of age.

To apply you simply go to www.iifdata.com Go to RPSS . Click on blue tab labeled additional exercise information. Scroll to the state of interest . An application will then pop up . Complete all the fields and submit.

Questions can be sent to: grace.zimmerman@iifdata.com

If you attend, please let us know how it went via the comments below!

Thank you  for all your support.

IIF Data Solutions Inc. is contracted by the government to support National Guard Training For Emergency Preparedness and their Role Player Support.

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Workplace Violence / Active shooter VIRTUAL EXERCISE

On FEBRUARY 8TH, 2 – 4 PM EST get ready to STRESS-Test your Plans

Workplace violence fear is an increasing concern nationally. Do you know what to look for before violence comes to work?  How do your plans reduce these risks and tNewFirestormLogoWebhreats?

Join Firestorm and key national partners for an expanded 120-minute, no-fee, virtual workplace violence crisis exercise. Test your plans, identify any gaps, and benchmark your response before a real crisis occurs. Don’t wait for violence; experience what needs to be done before, during, and after a workplace violence event.

Firestorm celebrates more than 10 years of service empowering people to manage risk and crises. In 2015, more than one thousand companies participated in live Firestorm interactive, virtual exercises.  Firestorm has expanded the virtual exercise format to provide more time for each team to participate and make critical decisions. Join us:

Monday, February 8th 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST

Register here

Led by Jim Satterfield, Firestorm President and Chief Operating Officer, these exercises will be interactive, illustrating the various phases of an escalating violence incident: how to respond, what to communicate, and response to the unexpected and unknown.

Preparedness requires comprehensive planning and staff training to identify potential workplace violence issues, develop protocols to address situations, and respond to events that threaten the safety of everyone in your facility.

·         What do you know?

·         What do you do?

·         How do you monitor?

·         What do you communicate and with whom?

What Happens Once a Warning is Triggered?

·         What is the protocol in your organization for reporting an observed threat or behavior of concern?

·         Do you know?

·         Do your employees know?

·         Does the report go through your security team? Or maybe HR? Does it depend on the type of threat?

·         Has the process been tested?

Your plans will be tested in 2016. Will this be before a crisis or in a crisis?


·         Crisis/consequence management overview

·         Exercise structure, objectives and assumptions

·         WPV crisis scenario: series of escalations

·         Hot wash self-review and crisis management maturity model analysis

·         Warning signs and indicators

·         Next steps and resources

Who Should Attend? Anyone who wants to ensure their business is prepared for an incident of violence:

·         Senior crisis team members

·         Business continuity team members

·         Crisis communication team members

·         Senior leadership

·         Operations

·         Human resources

·         Security professionals

Workplace Violence / Active shooter VIRTUAL EXERCISE Read More »

Mass Casualty Exercise, Lorton VA (Fairfax CERT) Saturday, November 21

Fairfax Community Emergency Response Team Master Exercise


This Master Exercise exercise will give our newly trained CERTs an opportunity to demonstrate skills and work together with our seasoned CERTs as an individual responder or as a neighborhood team. From moulage to triage, you’ll experience it all. This is a unique opportunity to practice your skills in a realistic full scale exercise. We’re excited to offer this training at Virginia Task Force 1’s training facility at the former Lorton Juvenile Detention Center.

Participants have the option to register as a responder, victim-actor, evaluator or controller. The exercise is conducted in a no-fault learning environment where capabilities and processes will be evaluated. The scenario(s) will be realistic and event simulation will provide sufficient detail to allow players to react to information and situations as they are presented, as if the simulated incident were real. The exercise will be held rain or shine.

All participants must sign a waiver and register through Eventbrite.

For our participants, a modest lunch will be provided by one of the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Canteen units, disaster dining at its best! Participants will also have the opportunity to take an exclusive tour of the Lorton Training Site, used by Fairfax County’s elite urban search and rescue team, Virginia Task Force 1

Late arrivals will not be admitted after 9:00 am.

0730-0800 – Victim Actor check in

0800-0830 – Responder check in


Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

Yes, all participants should have a picture ID. Participants must be at least 16 years old because this site is used extensively for rescue training and has inherent hazards including, but not limited to sharp objects, broken glass, nails, insects, tripping hazards, etc.

What can/can’t I bring to the event?

ALL PERSONS coming on the site (regardless of your role) must wear shoes that completely enclose the foot – No sandals, Tevas, Keens, Crocs, High heels, Pumps etc. – Persons arriving without proper foot wear will be denied access to the site – No EXCEPTIONS

ALL PERSONS coming on the site (regardless of your role) must wear long pants – No shorts or skirts. Anyone arriving without proper attire will be denied access to the site. Safety is paramount! We also recommend that you bring a water bottle, cup or some other water storage device. We will have drinking water available on site. Bring Sunscreen and bug repellent.

CERT Responders- You may bring any resources you like, however they will need to be carried in and kept with you during the exercise. Proper PPE is required.

Victim Actors- We would recommend some form of entertainment during the periods of waiting – a book, an iPod, a well charged phone…. it can get muddy/cold/wet so a word of caution

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Missy Tuttle-Ferrio, Volunteer Lead  lead@fairfaxcountycert.org

Anita Van der Merwe, Deputy Lead  deputylead@fairfaxcountycert.org

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

No, sorry. It’s an accountability thing.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

Yes, this will allow us to expedite checking into the secured site.

The name on the registration/ticket doesn’t match the attendee. Is that okay?

Nope. Again, it’s an accountability thing. This is a secured training site.




By registering for this event, I hereby request permission to participate in the Fairfax County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Exercise.  I understand that this training will involve active physical participation, which includes a potential risk of personal injury and/or personal property damage.  I make this request with full knowledge of the possibility of personal injury and/or personal property damage.  Further, I have read and understand the program outline that describes all class sections and the associated activities.

I agree to hold Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department, the County of Fairfax, and Fairfax County Emergency Management, and their agents and personnel, harmless from any and all claims, actions, suits, and/or injury that I may suffer and which may arise as a result of my participation in the above mentioned class.

I agree to follow the rules established by the instructors, and to exercise reasonable care while participating in the CERT program. I understand that if I fail to follow the instructor’s rules and regulations or if I fail to exercise reasonable care, I can be administratively removed from the program.

I hereby authorize the Fairfax County CERT Program to take photographs of myself and others that I bring to class to act as “victims” and to use or publish such photographs (still photographs, film/video, etc.) in any format (print, electronic publication, internet, etc.) as they see fit and I waive any rights and any claims I might have regarding the taking or publishing of any such photos.

By executing this release I certify that I have read this release in its entirety, understand all of its terms and have had any questions regarding the release or its effect satisfactory answered. I agree to this release freely and voluntarily.


Mass Casualty Exercise, Lorton VA (Fairfax CERT) Saturday, November 21 Read More »

Volunteer Role Players Need – Washington DC, Emergency Management Exercise

As part of Mayor Bowser’s goal to make DC the safest big city in America, the District will host
the “District of Columbia 2015 Full Scale Exercise” on Thursday, December 10, 2015. Several
District agencies will participate in the exercise, which will simulate a hazardous materials event,
to assess the District’s emergency response capabilities. The exercise will be conducted at
multiple locations throughout the city and will focus on first responder, emergency operations
center, and shelter operations.
A key to making this exercise a success is the availability of individuals willing to act as
volunteer role players and victims on the day of the exercise. These “actors” will portray
individuals impacted by a simulated incident, such as a hazardous material spill, and will be
placed into one of three categories:
• Actors portraying injured individuals that need life saving treatment from first
• Actors portraying individuals contaminated by a simulated chemical spill and need to be
decontaminated by first responders (dry decontamination, no water will be used), and
• Actors portraying displaced personnel and need to seek refuge at a shelter.
No experience required! All volunteer role players must be 18 years of age or older. For more
information regarding the exercise and to register as a role player, please visit the following link:
For difficulties accessing the link and/or reasonable accommodations in support of registration
please contact Kasey Parr at 703-518-9982 or kparr@olsongroupltd.com.
Registering as a role player does not guarantee selection for participation in the exercise; all
participants must successfully pass a background check and complete a DC HSEMA participant
waiver form. Providing your date of birth is a requirement for the background check.

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