FEMA provides many free, online courses. The four listed below are required to become an ACTIVE member of AAACERT.
AAACERT requires its members to be NIMS compliant (successful completion of FEMA classes -- IS-100, IS-200, IS-700, and IS-800). These free, on-line classes can be accessed below. IS-100 and IS-700 are pre-requisites for taking our CERT Basic class. A FEMA Student ID (FEMA SID) is required to take the classes and can be obtained at the FEMA training website. Click the class number to open a link to that course.
If you have any questions, send an email to membership@aaacert.org.
Required Courses For
Introduction to the Incident Command System
An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
National Response Framework, an Introduction