Workplace Violence / Active shooter VIRTUAL EXERCISE

On FEBRUARY 8TH, 2 – 4 PM EST get ready to STRESS-Test your Plans

Workplace violence fear is an increasing concern nationally. Do you know what to look for before violence comes to work?  How do your plans reduce these risks and tNewFirestormLogoWebhreats?

Join Firestorm and key national partners for an expanded 120-minute, no-fee, virtual workplace violence crisis exercise. Test your plans, identify any gaps, and benchmark your response before a real crisis occurs. Don’t wait for violence; experience what needs to be done before, during, and after a workplace violence event.

Firestorm celebrates more than 10 years of service empowering people to manage risk and crises. In 2015, more than one thousand companies participated in live Firestorm interactive, virtual exercises.  Firestorm has expanded the virtual exercise format to provide more time for each team to participate and make critical decisions. Join us:

Monday, February 8th 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST

Register here

Led by Jim Satterfield, Firestorm President and Chief Operating Officer, these exercises will be interactive, illustrating the various phases of an escalating violence incident: how to respond, what to communicate, and response to the unexpected and unknown.

Preparedness requires comprehensive planning and staff training to identify potential workplace violence issues, develop protocols to address situations, and respond to events that threaten the safety of everyone in your facility.

·         What do you know?

·         What do you do?

·         How do you monitor?

·         What do you communicate and with whom?

What Happens Once a Warning is Triggered?

·         What is the protocol in your organization for reporting an observed threat or behavior of concern?

·         Do you know?

·         Do your employees know?

·         Does the report go through your security team? Or maybe HR? Does it depend on the type of threat?

·         Has the process been tested?

Your plans will be tested in 2016. Will this be before a crisis or in a crisis?


·         Crisis/consequence management overview

·         Exercise structure, objectives and assumptions

·         WPV crisis scenario: series of escalations

·         Hot wash self-review and crisis management maturity model analysis

·         Warning signs and indicators

·         Next steps and resources

Who Should Attend? Anyone who wants to ensure their business is prepared for an incident of violence:

·         Senior crisis team members

·         Business continuity team members

·         Crisis communication team members

·         Senior leadership

·         Operations

·         Human resources

·         Security professionals