CERT Acting Opportunity

IIF Data Solutions Inc. is currently seeking 100 participants who will be acting as “victims” who will be “rescued “ as part of the National Guards Training for Emergency Preparedness. They do these Training Exercises all across the US and have had many CERT members in the past really enjoy the experience.

The Event will take place on February 22 , 23 ,24 and 25th  2016 at the DC Fire And EMS Training Academy and the RFK Stadium.

Role Players will be paid $14.77/ hr. Orientation is from 1 pm to 4 pm on February 22. Role players will be provided a lunch on the full days that they work.

All Role Players will be paid for all hours including Orientation on the last day that they work. Participants must be 18 years of age and older unless accompanying an adult then they can be 16 years of age.

To apply you simply go to www.iifdata.com Go to RPSS . Click on blue tab labeled additional exercise information. Scroll to the state of interest . An application will then pop up . Complete all the fields and submit.

Questions can be sent to: grace.zimmerman@iifdata.com

If you attend, please let us know how it went via the comments below!

Thank you  for all your support.

IIF Data Solutions Inc. is contracted by the government to support National Guard Training For Emergency Preparedness and their Role Player Support.