News and Alerts

Informational articles, links, and stories.

What pet owners need to think about in the event of an emergency

I’ve been asked by Mike Simpson, Chairperson, Anne Arundel and Annapolis Citizen Corps Council to pass along this announcement for their upcoming meeting. Looks like a great topic especially for those of us who have (and are responsible for) pets. Hope to see you there. There is no RSVP.

Date: Wednesday, August 26
Time: 19:30
Location: Anne Arundel County Fire Training Academy
Speaker: June Gravitte
Topic: What pet owners need to think about in the event of an emergency.

The guest speaker will be June Gravitte, former Noah’s Wish Assistant Coordinator for Region 8, primarily responsible for Baltimore/Washington area networking (MDSART, Maryland VOAD, Prince George’s County CERT/Citizen Corps).  She  will be addressing what pet owners need to do and think about in the event of an emergency,  focusing on the basics of survival including evacuation, sheltering options, food and water as well as providing an overview of what Anne Arundel County  groups responsible for animals in disasters should consider when preparing for disaster responses.  June was part of animal sheltering deployments for Hurricanes: Katrina 2005; Gustav and Ike: 2008 (Ike was also with EARS/HSUS) Wildfire:  Lillooet, British Columbia 2010.

What pet owners need to think about in the event of an emergency Read More »

CERT Basic Training Class – 9-11 October

Basic CERT Training Class
2015 October 9-11
Anne Arundel County Fire Training Academy
415 Maxwell Frye Road
Millersville, MD 21108

Fee: $20.00 to cover the cost of the training manual and disposable first aid training supplies. You will be provided with a backpack and other equipment which must be returned upon completion of the course.

Lunch: On your own – suggest that you bring a bag lunch however, there are several fast food restaurants nearby.

Attendees are required to attend all sessions to complete the class and obtain a certificate.
Register via the link to the right column.

CERT Basic Training is designed to prepare you to help yourself and to help others in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Because emergency services personnel will not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by using your CERT training to save lives and protect property. This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. With training and practice, and by working as a team, you will be able to protect yourself and do the greatest good for the greatest number after a disaster.

The purpose of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Training is to provide the individuals who complete this course with the basic skills that they will need to respond to their community’s immediate needs in the aftermath of a disaster, when emergency services are not immediately available. By working together, CERT members can assist in saving lives and protecting property using the basic techniques in this course. The target audience for this course is individuals who desire the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and respond to a disaster.
Overall Course Objectives
Upon completing this course, the participants should be able to:
1. Describe the types of hazards that are most likely to affect their homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods.
2. Take steps to prepare themselves and their families for a disaster.
3. Describe the functions of CERTs and their role in immediate response.
4. Identify and reduce potential fire hazards in their homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods.
5. Work as a team to apply basic fire suppression strategies, resources, and safety measures to extinguish a pan fire.
6. Apply techniques for opening airways, controlling excessive bleeding, and treating for shock.
7. Conduct triage under simulated disaster conditions.
8. Perform head-to-toe patient assessments.
9. Select and set up a treatment area.
10.Employ basic treatments for various injuries and apply splints to suspected fractures and sprains.
11.Identify planning and sizeup requirements for potential search and rescue situations.
12.Describe the most common techniques for searching a structure.
13.Work as a team to apply safe techniques for debris removal and victim extrication.
14.Describe ways to protect rescuers during search and rescue operations.
15.Describe the post-disaster emotional environment and the steps that rescuers can take to relieve their own stressors and those of disaster survivors.
16.Describe CERT organization and documentation requirements. In addition to the overall course objectives listed above, each unit has specific objectives.

Course Outline

Unit – 1 Disaster Preparedness
– Introductions and Overview 
– Community Preparedness: Roles and Responsibilities 
– Hazards and Their Potential Impact 
– Impact on the Infrastructure 
– Home and Workplace Preparedness 
– Reducing the Impact of Hazards Through Mitigation 
– CERT Disaster Response 
– Protection for Disaster Workers 
– Additional Training for CERTs 
– Unit Summary

Unit – 2 Fire Safety and Utility Controls 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– Fire Chemistry 
– Fire and Utility Hazards 
– CERT Sizeup 
– Fire Sizeup Considerations 
– Firefighting Resources 
– Fire Suppression Safety 
– Hazardous Materials 
– Exercise: Suppressing Small Fires
– Unit Summary

Unit – 3 Disaster Medical Operations — Part 1 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– Treating Life-Threatening Conditions 
– Triage 
– Unit Summary

Unit – 4 Disaster Medical Operations — Part 2 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– Public Health Considerations 
– Functions of Disaster Medical Operations 
– Establishing Medical Treatment Areas 
– Conducting Head-to-Toe Assessments 
– Treating Burns 
– Wound Care 
– Treating Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains, and Strains 
– Nasal Injuries 
– Treating Cold-Related Injuries 
– Treating Heat-Related Injuries 
– Bites and Stings 
– Unit Summary

Unit – 5 Light Search and Rescue Operations 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– Safety During Search and Rescue Operations 
– Conducting Interior and Exterior Search Operations 
– Conducting Rescue Operations 
– Unit Summary

Unit – 6 CERT Organization 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– CERT Organization 
– CERT Mobilization  
– Documentation 
– Activity: ICS Functions 
– Activity: Tabletop Exercise 
– Unit Summary

Unit – 7 Disaster Psychology 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– Disaster Trauma 
– Team Well-Being 
– Working with Survivors’ Trauma 
– Unit Summary

Unit – 8 Terrorism and CERT 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– What Is Terrorism? 
– Terrorist Targets 
– Terrorist Weapons 
– CBRNE Indicators 
– Preparing at Home, Work, and in Your Neighborhood 
– CERTs and Terrorist Incidents 
– Activity: Applying CERT Principles to a Suspected Terrorist Incident 
– Unit Summary

Unit – 9 Course Review, Final Exam, and Disaster Simulation 
– Introduction and Unit Overview 
– Course Review 
– Final Exam 
– Disaster Simulation
Exercise Critique and Summary

CERT Basic Training Class – 9-11 October Read More »

Local Memphis Woman Takes CERT Training To A New Level (Memphis, TN)

Memphis, TN resident Geraldine Pollard survived two house fires, one as a child and another as an adult. CERT Training teaches citizens how to be prepared in case of emergencies and disasters (Video and Article). Many communities also use trained CERT members to assist with public events such as parades, celebrations and other community events.
CERT training is usually conducted over a Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday although some communities may extend it over several smaller weekly sessions. Training includes preparedness, basic search & rescue, first aid, how to triage, basic rescue carries, use of the fire extinguisher for basic fire fighting and more. Advanced CERT training involves Animal Rescue & First Aid, Traffic and Crowd, Weather and other topics.

Anne Arundel and Annapolis CERT offers this training 3 – 4 times per year at no cost. If you would like more information on CERT Training please send us a message.

Local Memphis Woman Takes CERT Training To A New Level (Memphis, TN) Read More »

Tuning in for Tornadoes

Tuning in for Tornadoes

Tornadoes are one of nature’s most violent storms and can cause death, injury, and destruction within seconds. Having advanced notice that a tornado isapproaching your area can give you the critical time needed to move to a safeplace for protection. Before severe weather strikes, pay attention to weather reports and be sure to sign up for text alerts and download smart phone apps that provide weather warnings.

Whileyou may not always receive an official tornado alert in your area, there arewarning signs that can indicate a tornado is near. Page four of the How to Prepare for a Tornado guide from America’s PrepareAthon! highlights these signs, including:

  • A change in the color of the sky;
  • An approaching cloud of debris;
  • A strange quiet occurring within or shortly after a thunderstorm; or
  • A loud roar that sounds similar to a freight train.

Ifyou experience these signs, take action immediately and go to the safest placefor protection such as a FEMA saferoom or InternationalCode Council 500 storm shelter. If you do not have access to one of these structures, move to a small, interior, windowless room such as a closet or bathroom, on the lowest level of your building and cover your head and neck with your arms.

Tuning in for Tornadoes Read More »

2015 Disaster Volunteer Conference: Becoming Response Ready – Working with Diverse Populations! – NYC

NYC Citizen Corps invites you to the 2015 Disaster Volunteer Conference: Becoming Response Ready – Working with Diverse Populations!

The Disaster Volunteer Conference was first launched in 2007 and brings together volunteers that are involved in disaster response and recovery work.  This year’s conference will focus on workshops to help disaster volunteers become more efficient and effective in engaging vulnerable populations in an emergency or disaster response.

Doors will open at 5:30 PM. There will be light refreshments available. The program will start promptly at 6:00 PM. The Baruch College William and Anita Vertical Conference Center is fully accessible. If you need any other accommodations please indicate them through the event registration.

Register HERE


  • A Helping Hand: Working with People with Access and Functional Needs
    (Eli Fresquez, Senior Human Services Disability Access and Functional Needs (DAFN) Planner, NYC Emergency Management)
  • Engaging Faith Communities in Disaster, Increasing Religious Competency & Literacy
    (Peter B. Gudaitis, M.Div, President, National Disaster Interfaiths Network/NDIN)
  • Get Ready, Get Safe: Preparing Communities to Protect Children in Disasters
    (Jennifer Smith, Community Preparedness Manager (NY, NJ, CT), Save the Children USA)

  • Listen, Protect, and Connect: Responding to Trauma and Creating Community Resilience
    (Lisa Furst, LMSW, MPH, Director of Public Education, The Mental Health Association of NYC, Inc.)
  • Transformative Change: Diversity and Cultural Competency
    (Imani Keith Henry, MSW, MPA, Diversity Trainer/Organizational Development Consultant, OD for the People)

    Register HERE

2015 Disaster Volunteer Planning Committee representatives from:

  • The American Red Cross – Greater New York (ARC-GNY)
  • Medical Reserve Corps of NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
  • New York Association for Volunteers (NYAVA)
  • New York Cares
  • NYC Department for the Aging (DFTA)
  • NYC Emergency Management (NYCEM)
  • The Salvation Army – Greater New York Division

2015 Disaster Volunteer Conference: Becoming Response Ready – Working with Diverse Populations! – NYC Read More »

Understanding Tornadoes – NWS Wakefield (Sponsor VDEM) – Video – PDF

Bill Sammler, National Weather Service, Wakefield, VA, presents “Understanding Tornadoes, Microbursts and Downbursts” webinar. This webinar was sponsored by Virginia Department Emergency Management on March 24, 2015 via a Webinar.
Every year, wind related thunderstorms and sever weather causes damage throughout the United States. The damage most frequently results from straight-line thunderstorm winds (also known as downbursts and microbursts), and much less frequently from tornadoes. This webinar will look at the basic meteorology of these wind phenomena, and provide some insight as to what clues NWS meteorologists look for to determine whether a thunderstorm could produce a tornado, or is strong enough to generate damaging straight-line thunderstorm wind.

Open video in new window

Webinar Slides in PDF


Understanding Tornadoes – NWS Wakefield (Sponsor VDEM) – Video – PDF Read More »

Welcome to Anne Arundel – Annapolis CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)

Anne Arundel County and City of Annapolis Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) welcomes you to our new blog / website!

We will use our blog to post information and news of interest to the communities of our area. We will discuss preparedness for disasters and emergencies and activities of our team.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of Anne Arundel – Annapolis CERT (AAACERT) send us a message on the “Contact Us” Tab.

Welcome to Anne Arundel – Annapolis CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Read More »

Skywarn Spotter Flood Class

Anne Arundel – Annapolis CERT and the Anne Arundel County Office of Emergency Management is sponsoring a Skywarn Flood Class. This class will be presented by professional Meteorologist from the National Weather Service from Sterling Virginia.

Training in the Flood class is a good overview of flood threats in this area. It is intended for everyone. Basics I is a prerequisite for this class. The Flood class includes:

  • Role of spotters & review of area
  • What to report & how
  • Types of flooding
  • Forecasting and meteorology of flooding
  • Review of some flooding cases
  • NWS products for flooding

Date: 2016 April 21
Time: 1900 – 2200 (3 hours)
Anne Arundel County Office of Emergency Management
7480 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

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