Tuning in for Tornadoes

Tuning in for Tornadoes

Tornadoes are one of nature’s most violent storms and can cause death, injury, and destruction within seconds. Having advanced notice that a tornado isapproaching your area can give you the critical time needed to move to a safeplace for protection. Before severe weather strikes, pay attention to weather reports and be sure to sign up for text alerts and download smart phone apps that provide weather warnings.

Whileyou may not always receive an official tornado alert in your area, there arewarning signs that can indicate a tornado is near. Page four of the How to Prepare for a Tornado guide from America’s PrepareAthon! highlights these signs, including:

  • A change in the color of the sky;
  • An approaching cloud of debris;
  • A strange quiet occurring within or shortly after a thunderstorm; or
  • A loud roar that sounds similar to a freight train.

Ifyou experience these signs, take action immediately and go to the safest placefor protection such as a FEMA saferoom or InternationalCode Council 500 storm shelter. If you do not have access to one of these structures, move to a small, interior, windowless room such as a closet or bathroom, on the lowest level of your building and cover your head and neck with your arms.