National Night Out 2021, Thank You

AAACERT Tent at NNO 2021
Members of AAACERT relax before the public begins to show up for National Night Out 2021.

We would like to thank everyone that visited our tent during the 2021 National Night Out event held at the Earleigh Heights VFC. The sun stayed away and the wind kept things at a very nice temperature after days of 90 plus degrees.

Helping people at NNO 2021
AAACERT members explain the history and purpose of the CERT program.

We provided disaster preparedness material to visitors including flash cards with checklists of items to have on hand during a disaster such as a violent storms like tornados, hurricanes, or major wind. 

If you visited our tent and signed our training email list, you also entered into our

giveaway for a one of two preparedness kits. Congrats to the winners.

AAC OEM tent
We also want to thank AAC OEM. Often our tent neighbors at events it is always nice to see you, too!