Friends, we need your help!
Please post this to your social feeds and ask your friends and family
members if they are interested.
Our last CERT Basic class of 2022 is quickly approaching and seats are still available. The first class is starting September 9th. Please visit our website for details on the class including scheduling, topics covered, and the sign up link.

Keep in mind you do NOT need to join AAACERT after completing CERT Basic. But you WILL have piece of mind knowing the ‘what’ and ‘how’ you can help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of an emergency.
An emergency isn’t always a global catastrophe. Sever weather like tornadoes, micro-burst storms, and blizzards along with “normal” injuries are all examples we can and do face in every day life. CERT Basic class will provide you the knowledge to help UNTIL HELP ARRIVES.