AAACERT Amateur Radio Net, Tuesday 19 June – Reminder

AAACERT will host it’s first amateur radio net this Tuesday, 19 June at 1930. ALL amateur radio operators are invited to check in.

To commemorate this special occasion, AAACERT has designed a special QSL card and US Postage stamp for the inaugural event. This is a limited edition of both the QSL and the US Postage stamp ONLY for those who check in on Tuesday. The special QSL cards will be mailed within two weeks after the net.

We expect there will be numerous check-ins so please be patient during the check-in and follow the Net Control Operator (NCO) instructions. This will be a directed net.

Date/Time: Tuesday, 19 June 1930 hrs.
Frequency: 442.3000 / 107.2 (Annapolis)
Echo Link: 90911

Contact Erick Graves (WA3G) or Paul Bowling (W4ATN) for additional details.